
New Waste Collection Schedule

New Waste Collection schedule effective from next Wednesday, the 1st of February. Il-bidliet fil-leġislazzjoni b’rabta mal-ġbir u r-rimi tal-iskart li daħlu fis-seħħ fil-ġimgħat li għaddew wasslu għal tibdil fl-iskeda tal-ġbir tal-iskart anki fis-Central Business District, li issa qed issegwi l-istess skeda bħall-bqija tal-pajjiż. Bl-għan li jkompli jittejjeb l-ambjent li fih ngħixu u naħdmu, kif ukoll sabiex […]

December 2022 Issue 27

Message from the CEO THE GRADUAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) FROM A SHABBY INDUSTRIAL ESTATE INTO A MORE ORGANIZED BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL HUB HAS CONTINUED THROUGHOUT 2022. A number of private major developments have been completed and are now open for business whilst others are soon to be completed and are at […]


DATE: From Thursday, 22nd December 2022. TIME: 7:00hrs – 19:00hrs. Road Closure: Part of Notabile Road (I.M Works) Northbound. Diversion: Direction RABAT Route buses coming from VALLETTA/ Fleur-de-Lys going towards RABAT have to divert from FLEUR-DE-LYS roundabout (from near BOV Head office) by turning left through TRIQ IL-KANUN then when reaching ‘HSBC HEAD OFFICE’ turn […]

Storm Water Project

As per previous communication the second phase of the storm water project in Triq L-Intornjatur is currently underway. Works are accordingly to the original plan. In fact, next Monday 31st of October we shall continue the works in Triq il-Birrerija (lower part). The duration of the works in this road is approximately 1 week. Attached […]