March 2018 – Issue 12

Traffic Management Plan – Mrieħel

The Central Business District Foundation has teamed up with Transport Malta to devise a traffic management system for Mriehel. The traffic management system currently being contemplated addresses the day-to-day needs of the area

One must keep in mind that a longer term vision is also needed to alleviate the traffic congestion into and out of Mriehel. This situation is set to exacerbate itself with the planned projects that will come on stream within the next three years or so. The Foundation, although working on a short to medium term vision, shall continue to persevere with the authorities to make sure that the long term traffic management investment is put in place to facilitate entry to and exit from Mriehel.

The short to medium term vision seeks to address three principle objectives, these being:
• The daily traffic congestion problems within the Central Business District;
• Way finding; and
• The introduction of public transport.

Currently, a consultation exercise is ongoing with operators in the area because the draft traffic management plan seeks to reorganise traffic flows and parking arrangements that affect employers, employees and customers alike. There is nobody better positioned to offer feedback than the operators themselves and for this reasons the management of the Central Business District encourages feedback on the proposal submitted.

To facilitate feedback, the Foundation is also organising an information session on 5th April 2018 at the B’Kara Local Council at 6pm. You are encouraged to register your interest to attend and learn more.

Finally, the Foundation emphasises that this initiative is in the best interest of employers and employees. There is no perfect solution that suits one and all. However, the Foundation believes that the proposal being communicated is a very big step in the right direction.

Embellishment Works

The Foundation, in collaboration with Projects Plus, recently started embellishment works worth 95K euros with the specific focus being to embellish Triq il-Kummerc, Triq L-Industrija, Triq il-Kanun, Triq il-Palazz L-Ahmar, Triq il-Mithna, Triq il-Bankiera, Triq is-Snajja, Triq il-Haddieda, Triq Concetta Borg Calleja, Triq Riccarda Farrugia.

Works are currently being carried out during weekends to minimize inconveniences and focus primarily on the reinstatement of boundary walls and pavements. This first phase of the embellishment project will be completed by mid- May 2018. Further embellishment is planned once this first phase is completed.

Pot Hole Repairs

The Foundation, in collaboration with Transport Malta, completed pot hole repairs at a cost of 60K euros. The works involved square/rectangular patching with hot asphalt in Triq San Gwakkin, Triq 3 ta Settembru and Triq l-Esportaturi.

The next phase will now include the tarmacing of part of Triq L-Esportaturi given that the road has been widened. The Foundation would like to thank Transport Malta for their continuous support.