December 2017 – Issue 11

A Vision for Mrieħel as a Central Business District

The industrial zone of Mrieħel will now be known as the Central Business District as part of the robust revitalisation in creating new business opportunities and dutiful regeneration of the area. This was official launch on the 24th November 2017 by the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses Dr Chris Cardona and the Foundation’s members.

Mrieħel is a major business district with 6000 employees commuting there, together with thousands of other consumers visiting the 250 shop and businesses operating from there. These enterprises are made up of different sized businesses and hail from various sectors and offer different services. Currently however Mriehel is currently synonymous with congestion and confusion.

“What we do and implement today, now more than ever because of our growing economy, is crucial. Malta must realize a business district of high quality. Mrieħel needs a vision for the next decade and beyond, “ stressed Minister Cardona during the launch.

This vision was cemented by the establishment of the Mrieħel Business which will now take the name of the district as the Central Business District Foundation early last year. This is a
Private Foundation Private Partnership between the Government and the private sector made up of operators from the area. The private sector has reacted quickly, with membership increasing to thirty from the initial eighteen founding members.

Mr William Wait, Chairperson of the Foundation insisted how, “Many operators have invested a substantial amount of capital. Without any doubt, our work as a Foundation is to see that the investment made by private finds a suitable environment to operate in. This includes responsibility for the establishment of a deserving environment.”

The Foundation is responsible for ensuring and implementing a long-term vision for Mrieħel, with immediate work being the establishment of priorities to be addressed to alleviate the problems for both employees as well as employees.

The work of the Foundation has so far included;

Among the projects already underway and will be carried out soon by the Foundation include:

Mr Keith Fenech, Chief Executive of the Foundation outlined how progress will include the enforcement of rules and regulations, the updating of accessibility to Mrieħel so that it will be regenerated as a district one is proud to operate from that encourages entrepreneurship and professionalism.

“The progress of this project will be based on the energy and passion expressed by the Foundation members. The positive energy and passion demonstrated so far, make us optimistic
about the future of Mrieħel,”

Minister Cardona concluded.

Revamped Traffic Management System for Mrieħel

The Central Business District Foundation requested Transport Malta to formulate a comprehensive traffic management plan for Mriehel. The draft that was prepared followed a survey of all employees within the Mriehel area. The draft plan seeks to improve the current traffic situation which at times is chaotic and dangerous. The traffic management plan includes road signs, line markings, one way traffic flows as well as a public transport system.

This plan was presented and approved by the Traffic Management Committee within Transport Malta and will now undergo a rigorous consultation process before being implemented. The Central Business District Foundation would like to thank Transport Malta for their continuous support.