April 2017 – Issue 07

Storm Water Project

Mriehel slopes downwards 25m from north to south, that is, from Notabile Road adjacent to Birkirkara down to the Mriehel bypass adjacent to Qormi. No wonder, therefore, that the south side of Mriehel is susceptible to flooding during heavy downpours. The Foundation has received various complaints on this topic especially from employees working around the area at the bottom of Triq San Gwakkin.

To rectify this situation, the Foundation has sought the services of the Cleansing Department so that all water culverts are maintained on a regular basis. It is important that these water channels are kept free from blockages so that storm water can flow unobstructed.

Furthermore, ongoing discussions with the Storm Water Unit have resulted in an intervention costing about €110K. Expert opinion identified that a viable solution to this persistent problem would be to make use of an underground passageway which crosses underneath the Mriehel By-pass to the opposite side from Triq l-Intornatur (Figure 1). This passage could either serve as a sleeve for a relief storm water culvert pipe or else be sealed up at the end (by the construction of an end wall) to provide a cistern, capable of holding an approximate water volume of 175m3. The overflow from this cistern could then be directed to the national flood relief project catchment grating located in Triq S. Gwakkin by means of an 800mm storm culvert pipe of total approximate length of 158m and two connecting manholes.

This intervention is planned to commence late this year and the project will be financed and supervised by the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure.

Interview with Mr Duncan Barbara Sant

Director Alberta and one of the Founding members of the Mriehel Enterprise Zone Foundation

Alberta started operating in Mriehel back in 2005. It consists of 3 companies . Alberta and PT Matic operate from Mriehel and ISTC (International SafetyTraining Centre) operates from Ħal Far.

What key factors made you decide on establishing your operations in Mriehel?

Mriehel is very central and only a short distance from all other locations, including Valletta and the airport.

What do you believe is the foremost advantage / disadvantage in being based in Mriehel?

The advantage is the location however, parking is definitely a disadvantage

What do you believe is the foremost advantage / disadvantage for your employees to come to work in Mriehel?

Same as above

Why did you join the Mriehel Enterprise Zone Foundation?

We look forward to being part of the development of this major business district. It can become a mini Canary Wharf and also, attract foreign investors.

What value add in your view will the Foundation give your business?

Apart from the obvious, to achieve to embellish the area and turn it into a business park, I am hoping that the foundation will play a pro-active role in improving transport links, which is essential to the success of the project.