January 2017 – Issue 04

Mriehel Enterprise Zone Foundation

Waste Collection – Pilot Project

Mriehel Enterprise Zone is not included in any waste collection service. In fact, the large operators in the area generally make independent arrangements. The absence of a waste collection system in Mriehel creates multiple challenges. Small and medium businesses operating within Mriehel, generate a regular and consistent amount of waste. One may ask what is happening with this waste. The answer to this was evident in the recent clean up campaigns organised by the Mriehel Enterprise Zone Foundation which indicated that fly-tipping and dumping is a serious problem in the area that needs immediate action. One cannot expect the Local Councils to pay for this service together with the residential waste, as is happening today.

The MEZF together with the Cleansing Service Department within the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure has embarked on a pilot project for waste collection generated by businesses in the area.

The pilot project will span over six months where waste is collected on Friday afternoons in order not to impact traffic and will split Mriehel into two – west and east – where each area is covered every other week.

The objectives of the project are as follows:

Operators and businesses that wish to participate in the waste collection pilot project may do so at no cost by contacting Mr Keith Fenech at the MEZF offices or by email on mezf.org@gmail.com


The overall state of Maltese roads has been on the National Agenda for quite some time. Mriehel is no exception to this.

The Mriehel Enterprise Zone Foundation, since its inception, has been evaluating ways of improving the overall road situation. Due to the nature of activity in Mriehel, this proves to be a complicated task that requires a collective effort from a number of organisations. Numerous loading and unloading bays that service heavy vehicles and equipment, cause substantial damage to the roads surface.

In this respect, the Foundation, with the help of the Minister within the office of the Prime Minister, and the Minister of Finance, committed €330,000 to road infrastructural works. Naturally this cannot cover all roads in the area. Therefore a number of roads, where the surface condition was very bad, were ear-marked as priority works. A detailed Request for Proposals has been drafted for tendering purpose by Transport Malta. Resurfacing rather than patching will be carried out. Other roads / works have been identified, and these are scheduled for the future.

The Foundation would like to thank all interested parties for their cooperation.