Archive for July, 2023

July 23 Issue 29

The first phase of the installation of clusters of CCTVs in Triq L-Esportaturi, Triq San Gwakkin and Triq is-Salib ta L-Imriehel has been completed. The project involved consultations and co-ordination with various public entities including Transport Malta, the Commissioner for Data Protection, MITA, the Police and LESA. A big thank you is also due to the third-party owners who have kindly offered the use of their façade for the installation of these cameras as well as access to their electricity supply; and in the meantime saving the Foundation considerable time and money. The cameras will be monitored by LESA head-quarters 24X7 and access to footage given to the Police on duty at the Central Business District should this be requested.

Preliminary Market Consultation

The CBDF has published on the EPPS, the Government E-procurement platform, a Preliminary Market Consultation (PMC) entitled Lease of a Property/ies for the Temporary Parking of Motor Vehicles.  The Unique ID of the PMC is CBD/PMC/01/2023.   The time limit for the receipt of proposals is the 12th of August, 2023 at 9.30am.